Sunday, July 10, 2011

King's Landing... Again.

Stamatia, Savanah, and I spent the final day of my vacation at King's Landing. Hot, so hot. So... sooo dehydrated. So, in no particular order:

This fella looks comfy! Oink! Ooooink! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOINK!!

I got my new sneakers dirty when I stepped into a small, wet, swampy ditch trying to take this photo.

I call this one... bird house on a stump!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bench in the park.

Yesterday I took a stroll down through Odell Park. By stroll I mean hot, sweaty walk involving lots of bugs and a creepy stoner on the trail in front of me.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celtic Discovery

Although I wasn't very happy with the photos I took at the Celtic Discovery concert, here are a few of the better ones.

Hot Summer Evening.

My parents, Stamatia and I went out to the Celtic Discovery concert in Officer Square, followed by frosty beer at the Garrison. Afterwards I decided to take some photos of the sunset over the river. I'm not terribly happy with any of the photos that I took this evening. I will post this one though...

Caught without a tripod, I rested the camera on the railing of the pedway and tried to hold it steady for as long as I could. The next time I try this I'll make sure it's darker out, I'll use my tripod, and I'll use my new remote shutter switch.

Actually, while I'm here, I'll post this photo too. I was just fiddling with the Gradient filter in Lightroom.